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Camp Choice BC Masquerade Gala


There are hundreds of Youth in our schools and communities who are at-risk of drug and alcohol abuse, self-harm, and suicide. These youth do not get the opportunity to just "be a kid", as they are faced with adult situations and choices every day.

With an emphasis on fun and community, Camp Choice participants get to just "be a kid" while learning the power of choice, responsibility and leadership. Our hope is that these youth take their positive energy and desire for change back to their communities to create a positive, lasting impact.



We are all responsible for the choices that we make every day, and these choices create the results in our life. 


Responsibility is the ability to respond; acknowledging responsibility is the first step to taking back your personal power, and shifting from a victim/fixed mindset


True leadership begins with self, and learning this concept can bring positive change to the communities in which we live.